Feiern Sie Ihren Geburtstag bei R.A.V.E.N.
Kids Birthday Standard Package
2H VR - (Ages 8 to 18, tailored to age)
Min. 6 participants/max 24 participants
Free softdrinks for groups of 12 or more
Kids Birthday Budget Package
1H VR - (Ages 8 to 18, tailored to age)
Min. 8 participants/max 24 participants (split into 2 groups of 12 participants)
eburtstagskinder - Zusatzleistungen zum Buchen
€9 Euro pro Flasche Softdrink
€15 Euro pro Pizza für das Pizza-Buffet
€10 Euro für das VR-Escape-Room (ab 10 Jahren)
€40 Euro pro Stunde für unseren Karaokeraum
Birthday Kids Standard
2H VR - (Ages 8 to 18, tailored to age)
Min. 6 participants/max 24 participants
Free softdrinks for groups of 12 or more
Birthday Kids Budget
1H VR - (Ages 8 to 18, tailored to age)
Min. 8 participants/max 24 participants (split into 2 groups of 12 participants)